How to make corn syrup recipe at home

How to Make Healthy Homemade Corn Syrup Recipe at Home

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Do you think you need this corn syrup in your recipe? Do you think you need to learn how to make it? I needed to learn how to make this recipe for my cake business! Have you ever made a cake you found with no corn syrup left? That was how I felt on this very day.

You see, the corn syrup recipe is something I never considered making in my whole world until one day when I was making my daughter’s birthday cake, and I found out that the fondant I was about to use was not enough for the cake I was to make, and it was very late. 

Because I always buy the already made one from the supermarket, that made me think of the alternative of trying to do it on my own, and that was how I started to make this corn syrup and other things, and I am so glad that I did.

Another reason I choose to make this recipe myself is to leverage some of the ingredients I add to the corn syrup, especially the sugar intake.

And this leads me to make my things from scratch.

The truth is that it has never occurred to me that I would make this recipe and any other product from scratch. Yes, I did!

And you, too, can!

So, let’s dive into the making of this recipe without delay.

In most recipes, corn syrup is always a base ingredient. Making this corn syrup is different from what I think it is. I made it with corn, but I found out it was not.

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So here’s how to make this corn syrup Recipe at home.

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How to Make Healthy Homemade Corn Syrup Recipe at Home

Recipe by Maryann MichaelCourse: DESSERT, HOMEMADEDifficulty: Easy

These make about 2 cups.


  • 2 cups of white sugar (for light corn syrup, brown sugar for dark corn syrup)

  • 3/4 cup water

  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

  • 1 pinch salt

Directions for making this corn syrup

  • Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan.
  • You bring it to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • Then reduce heat to a simmer and put the cover on for 3 minutes to get sugar crystals off the sides of the pan.
  • Uncover and simmer, stirring it often until it reaches the softball stage.
  • Then off the heat and Cool it. 

Recipe Video


  • And store it in a covered container at room temperature.
  • Your syrup should keep for about two months.

I hope this will be of help to you! Have a great day.

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